Monday, April 7, 2008


We are working on a Silent Auction Fundraiser to be held at the Esperanza Bonanza Festival in early May (an annual festival in Marion, Arkansas). We would LOVE to have donated items that could be used to raise money for P.A.W.S. (our non-profit organization that raises money for the Marion Animal Shelter). Even small items may be combined to make larger baskets for the auction (e.g., "Doggy Pampering Basket", "Spa Basket", "Entertainment Basket", "Summer/Beach Basket", "BBQ Basket" etc.)- anything really. We are open to any suggestions as well. If you can provide a donated item, please contact Allison at 901-240-9848 or Lisa at 901-826-0292. All profits will go to directly care for our pups (medical care, boarding, etc.). Thank you for your support!

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