We have another emergency re-homing needed from a long-time resident, Lady Bird. Lady Bird is currently being fostered in Cape Girardeau, Missouri at Silverwalk Beagle and Hound Sanctuary (http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MO419.html). Last year, not too long after arriving, Lady Bird jumped the 4 foot chain link fence and was mauled by two dogs, one of whom continues to live up the street from her current foster home. Physically, she has recovered but emotionally and mentally, she is tormented daily by and reminded of the event (it has caused her to be more unstable than she would be and is away from Silverwalk). Bobbie, who runs Silverwalk, dearly cares for Lady Bird, having gone above and beyond working and loving this amazing dog, but her fear behaviors (which were present before this attack and have now been exacerbated by it), have become detrimental to the smaller dogs at Silverwalk as well as her own emotional health. When she has been in town, away from the neighborhood, she has been much more relaxed and outgoing according to Bobbie. Bobbie once emailed, "they say elephants never forget- well Lady Bird should then be an elephant!"
When asked to describe Lady Bird and what type of home would be best for her, Bobbie responded:
"Lady Bird is extremely intelligent, very communicative with her eyes- her new foster home/adoptive home, after paying attention to her eyes and body language, will find her one of the easiest dogs to "read" and understand. She is completely housebroken, completely. She is an utterly loyal dog who, after learning and trusting her people, will BE their dog, either as an adoptee or foster. She is very physically fit- she can pace a car at 25 mph, so someone who is either a jogger/runner (or knows someone who is) who would like an occasional companion would be ideal for her. She does have a special friend at Silverwalk in Shiloh, a larger Beagle. Lady Bird will play bow, wrap her front legs around him in a hug and then dance away with him. She gets along better with male dogs her own size (45 pounds) who are confident, neither soft nor aggressive. Silverwalk currently has a run on smaller Beagles which does not help them nor Lady Bird :(. She is good with men and children. She can be contained in a 6 foot fence, but needs to be a house dog as well as able to enjoy the outdoors. On a whim last summer, Bobbie, who was volunteering during a Canine Good Citizenship test, decided to put Lady Bird through it...she PASSED!"
Lady Bird is an adult girl who needs someone to give her a place to finally call home; a place where she can let fear go and be herself. We are desperate to find that place for her- can you help? She is currently having to be boarded due to all the smaller dogs at Silverwalk! This beauty needs help! Please call Allison at 901-240-9848 if you can help.
1 comment:
Thank you this lovely write up on Lady Bird. She is such a special dog - it breaks my heart to know my home now causes her pain. When we go to Panera's for coffee, she gets loved on by everyone and is very well behaved :). We are hoping for a new foster home before Thanksgiving.
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