IVY is a young black lab mix who came to us with broken legs. She needed multiple surgeries to repair and spent months in a local vet clinic healing.
ABBY, a senior Rottie, an owner surrender, who spent months in a wonderful foster home with no adoption inquiries. Abby has problems with urinary incontinence and required ongoing blood work and urinalysis to prepare her for adoption.
In a regular municipal shelter environment - neither of these two dogs would have had a chance - too expensive to save. But thanks to our many supporters who donated vet funds and to our diehard volunteers, both Abby and Ivy have found their way to safety and are living life as all dogs should.
We are grateful to our Northern rescue partners for giving these two girls the life they deserve.
Please support our efforts to help more dogs like IVY and ABBY. Donate today towards the vet expenses of our special needs pups.

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